
兩、三週前,逐漸覺得心情變得異常煩躁,遇事每每耐不住性子,動輒與人發脾氣、起衝突,直到一週前,1121日,為了趕回家拿工作上沒帶的文件,卻發現鑰匙鎖在門內,一時興起由頂樓翻牆入窗的念頭,雖然心中覺得似乎有點危險,耳邊卻有一個聲音一直說著應該可以” ”應該可以” ”應該可以”……就這麼抓起了頂樓的緩降繩,試圖攀牆而下,但就在跨出牆外的那一霎那,緩降繩的那頭突然鬆開,吳師兄就如倒栽蔥般地快速落下。當時吳師兄的腦中只有一個想法完了!"但卻隱約覺得身體瞬間被180度翻轉,下一瞬間即失去意識,待醒來時已是躺在醫院中。



Falling Five Floors and Survived

Saved by the Grace of Bhaisajyaguru, the Medicine Buddha


Mr. Wu Jiayuan lives in New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). His mother and families are devotees to Bhaisajyaguru and worship the Medicine Buddha everyday. Wu joined them occasionally.

Several weeks before the incident, he found himself gradually became strangely agitated and short-tempered, and got into conflicts with others frequently. On November 21st, he went home to get some documents required for his work, but found out that he left the keys in the house. A thought came to his mind that he could reach one of the windows of the highest floor by climbing down from the roof, and then get inside the house by climbing through that window. At that time he felt this plan was a bit risky, but there seemed to be an invisible voice whispering by his ear, saying, "It is OK… You'll be fine… You can do it." So he grabbed the fire escape rope and proceeded to descend from the roof, but and soon as he stepped outside the roof, the rope suddenly broke away from the anchoring device and he fell toward the ground head first. At that instance he thought, "I'm doomed!", but an invisible force flipped his body 180 degrees so he became falling toward the ground feet first. The next thing he knew, he was in the Shuang Ho Hospital.

Wu was rushed to the hospital after falling five floors. Surprisingly, doctors found no wound on his head, and he didn't suffer any brain concussion. Some minor injuries in his shoulders were the only injuries in his upper body. The most serious injuries were several bone fractures in his right leg that didn't require any plaster cast. After receiving intramedullary nailing, he was allowed to return home.

Wu was amazed by his own miraculous survival and his faith in the Buddha grew stronger. His mother believed it was the Medicine Buddha who saved her son and was very grateful. She believed it was their diligent spiritual practice and their strong connection with the Medicine Buddha that saved her son from this potentially fatal incident.



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